Check out what we were doing this week.

Spent my life traveling the world looking for adventure and a way to do this without having to be rich. From living on sailboats to hanging in Costa Rica and Brazil I fulfilled my sense of travel and wanderlust. I have also created and owned concept restaurants, published magazines and traveled for twelve years as personal security for best selling author and peak performance coach Anthony Robbins.
Check out what we were doing this week.
Follow along as I check out some places for rent and my strategy for getting Thai prices.
Some people love to keep track of what is going on around the world and in their home country as well as in Thailand. Here are some news resources you…
RetireCheap Weekly Live Radio Show – Episode 3 – Retiring in Thailand – North vs South
by RCAsia_JCby RCAsia_JCIn this show I talked about the differences between living in the North vs the South. I discuss climate, food choices and the values of the people. I do want…
Check out what we were doing this week.
Join me while I go see an Ear Nose and Throat specialist at the Sriphat Medical Center in Chiang Mai University.
As you know there has been many things I wanted to video for you members but could not.
In this show I talk about my trip to Cambodia and the comparisons to Thailand.
My final thoughts and opinions about retirement and living long term in Cambodia