How to Get ALL the Information About Retiring In Thailand 
Without Getting Confused and Frustrated!

All the information and support you need to live in Thailand all in one place!

Watch the video to see:

What makes the difference between those who make it in Thailand and those who don't?

Do you ever wonder if a retirement in Thailand would be the right fit for you?

To me the whole success of a RIPper (Retiree In Paradise) boils down to being prepared.

You may think that you can get all the information necessary about a life in Thailand on the Internet, and guess what, you'd be right!  Have you ever got confused or frustrated trying to get answers to your questions? Getting answers, as you know already if you have done any research about living in Thailand is spread out very thin across hundreds of sites on the Internet. Have you ever tried to ask a simple question on a website about Thailand and gotten a reply that made you feel badly? Were the responses polite to your simple question or do other websites make you feel degraded and humiliated just for asking a simple question?

"No one likes to feel humiliated!" That's one of the reasons why I created the RC Asia member site.

Not only is ALL the information you need located in one place but our site is like a family.  We support each other both before you come over as well as after you arrive!


Member Forums

Inside we have 65 Forums, 2791 Topics and 33008 Posts covering every aspect of life in Thailand! 


Exclusive Videos

Over 600 private video postings, not shown on YouTube, covering visas, relationships, housing, costs, customs, food, safety and much more! 


Necessary Documents

All free printable and downloadable documents for immigration, last wills, marriages, income verification and more


Thai Language Resources

Free language resources and programs to help you to be able to quickly communicate in the Thai language!


Weekly Video Reports

Every week a new weekly update covering what is happening in the news and in Thailand that affects expats.


Live Chat

Ask and get answers LIVE and connect with the RC Asia community to establish friends before even getting here!

Our RC Asia Exclusive Pathway to Knowledge

Finding information relevant to your specific journey to a retirement in Thailand can be confusing, conflicting and time consuming. Not any more! We have made it simple with our RIPper (Retiree In Paradise) Pathway to Knowledge feature! So easy. You pick what stage are you in your dream of living in Thailand ... Deciding, Planning, Preparing or Settling in to your new life. You are presented with the relevant information specific to your own journey! Getting to and living a peaceful, contented life in Thailand has never been easier.

RC Asia Members enjoy:

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    Access to videos that coach you through the process of determining where to live
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    Access to videos showing how to prepare to make the move to a new country
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    Access to videos showing how to avoid the common mistakes people make when moving
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    Information on how to have a fulfilling and trusting relationship with a Thai
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    Why you should avoid having a business in Thailand
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    How to retire early and still have income (I retired at 45)
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    Access to members only forum with over 65 Forums, 2805 Topics and 33144 Posts
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    Access to FREE premium Thai language learning resources
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    Weekly Updates with current news and events affecting RIPpers (Retirees In Paradise) living or considering a life in Thailand along with weekly answers to 5 important member questions

The value that RCA delivers to me as a member has far exceeded the nominal membership fee for the past five years! The forum and videos gave me insight and information that allowed me to prudently make my move away from the USA and here to Thailand. Even after three years living in Bangkok, I still get great value from being and RCA member. JC does great work for his community and I am quite happy to be one small part of it!

Shin S. Shoji

Today marks my 101st day since leaving my home in the states and I can honestly say that my only regret is that I didn’t find JC’s YouTube channel and website ten years earlier!

Thank you, JC for all the help that you, your channel and membership site have been!

Mark S

JC thank you for all of the amazing work that you do. I sincerely hope you are fully aware of the tremendous impact you've had on the lives of so many disparate individuals over the years...


If you are in any way interested in Thailand, be it culturally, because of its climate and scenery, to visit or if your considering retiring there, you should really really join this site, for the cost per month you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, I'm a member for 3 years and I look so forward to the new video sent to me every week, you become part of a family, join you won't regret it!!! Kevin from Ireland


Really enjoy this site. Laid back feel with the real truth about retiring in Thailand. JC tells it like it is..... which is fantastic. Thanks JC


I would tell them that the amount of information you will receive far exceeds the cost. JC gives way more than what he is charging for. After you join and watch for a while you will understand that is just part of his general philosophy on life and on doing business. He gives more value than anyone else. Wayne


If you are considering a move to Southeast Asia, RetireCheap.Asia is THE place to go to collect all the knowledge you need to fully prepare for your adventurous relocation.

Jim R.

This site is the only up to date Thailand site with practical tips and information on everyday living that is realistic by a guy who is passionate about the country. His unbiased view and constant updates is well worth the membership investment and you can only benefit by being part of this great community. The membership cost is amazing value and should be much higher for the information you have access to. Thank you so much JC and Co. for providing this service and hope for people that truely want to enjoy the retirement they deserve. !!!


I honestly do not know of another site where you could find as much current information about moving to, and living in, Thailand.


I've been a member for about 4 years. Why? Because *literally* ever single week, this is something of value. There is data and fact and experience and a trusted opinion. I signed up, turned on payment and never questioned it. Considering JC's time commitment to quality content it still amazes me that he has time to answer individual emails. If you are even the slightest bit on the fence about paying for this it means you should SIGN UP because clearly there is at least a small part of you that is considering getting it. I tell you what, if you sign up and don't like it and cancel it *I* will pay you $10 if you send me an e-mail ( telling my why you seriously don't think this was worth 10 bucks for a month's worth of content. I would honestly like to hear from anyone who believes that they can get this level of experience and almost personalized one-on-one consulting from any other source. I genuinely look forward to meeting new members and feel as though it is my responsibility to try and somehow overpay JC for the value he brings. Here's to your wild success. Live the Dream! ...cuz if you're not living the Dream, you're doing it wrong... and you are probably doing it without being member of ~mikes


I've been planning to retire to Thailand for a few years and even though I have a Thai wife the RC Asia web site (and JC in particular) have proved invaluable in planning my move. Initially I used JC's YouTube videos to show that my dream of a Thai retirement was an achievable goal but as I became more serious I found the information on the RC Asia member site about Visas and medical issues has proved extremely useful in putting my mind at rest and making my plans come to fruition.

Simon Barnes

The best thing I ever did was become a member of this great site and make my first trip to Thailand... "which after 4 years I'm still on my first trip here"

Michael M

I've been a member for some time now and the value that this site offered for the small price is exemplary. The information offered on living in Thailand is unparalleled....detailed, up to date and accurate, it has helped me organize my plans and it cuts the learning curve on Thai living dramatically. When I first came to the site I thought the budget numbers spelled out were unrealistic. However, time has shown me they were very accurate. More life for less money!!!


I joined the site over 5 years ago, before moving to Thailand. I learned a great deal before moving here a little over 3 years ago and continue to gain information which helps me and, of course, saves me money and energy. I pay my membership on a yearly basis and feel I learn enough to save me much more than the membership fee. Just as important, gained many friends that now live in Thailand, especially when the chat room was more active. I encourage you to use it and realize the time difference if you are in another part of the world. It is a wonderful tool. I have learned a great deal from the videos and certainly helped my existence in this country. After all this time, I don't know everything, and it's wonderful to have the support group and JC there to answer my questions. The longer you stay a member, the more you know. Join, learn about Thailand, and make your life much more easy!


To say a membership to Retire is a must is the understatement of the year. It is the ONLY paid site on the Internet I pay anything for. Retirement in Asia IS a real option and to try to do it (even if you're in the planning or deciding stages) without a RCA membership is NOT an option. Pays for itself many, many times over.


You have nothing to lose and everything to gain. I’m so confident that your RetireCheap.Asia Community Membership will help solve your financial worries that I’m offering a “No-Questions-Asked” 100% Money Back Guarantee. All I ask is you try out your RetireCheap.Asia Community Membership for 10 days and if you haven’t got more confidence about your retirement future in 10 days, then I don’t want your money. Simply contact me within 14 days of registration and I’ll happily refund your purchase in full.

And Then There’s More…

Tell you what. If you purchase a RetireCheap.Asia Community Membership now, I’ll throw in a USEFUL bonus (that I have personally created, NOT some junk giveaway) that complements your new lifestyle so that you can solve your financial problem even faster.

  The Easiest Way to an Effortless Life”

Mp3 audio program

Mastering the Art of Fulfillment and Prosperity


  • Understand what drives you and what you REALLY want from life
  • Why some people seem to have all the luck
  • How to turn around seemingly hopeless current situations
  • How to get an edge on the competition for work and sales
  • What it takes to create long-lasting health and vibrancy
  • To know what drives you to live everyday with the joy, and fulfillment you deserve
  • Etc.

   And every membership will receive a very controversial pdf document I found that some people would consider politically incorrect “Why Will You You Be Happier Living Abroad?”

*Disclaimer: I did not write this, but I do feel that many points in it are VERY valid and an honest comparison between living in the USA and living abroad.

So I hope that you feel that I have created more value than what I am asking in return. This is always my goal as most people who have seen my videos already know.

100% Money Back Guarantee

Secure Checkout

Instant Membership Access – Even at 2 am - All Major Credit Card, Paypal, and Online Checks Accepted - Order 24 Hours a Day, 7 Days a Week

So I hope that you feel that I have created more value than what I am asking in return. This is always my goal as most people who have seen my videos already know.

Look what some members are saying:

“JC I want to personally thank you for all the wonderful things you have done for us members here. Words alone can not thank you enough for what you have done for each and every one of us. Thank you for showing us it is always an option!” Adam K.

“If I never found the RCA site here– I’d only be dreaming of Thailand and not really knowing anything about LOS (Land of Smiles) at all…I always wanted to live in Asia after serving in Vietnam….And now this can all become true for us all. All that you do JC from the chat room to your excellent reporting about the Thai way of life is just a blessing……..And your videos are unbelievable and full of important information for all of us future Rippers……….Thank you JC”  Mark K.

“I’d like to also express my appreciation for your efforts on our behalf. I have dreamed of living in Thailand or Malaysia for years, but your videos and our forum makes it “real” for me. Knowing that you and other members have made the move successfully makes me realize it is not merely my fantasy, but a real and achievable objective. In short, I know I am not alone. Keep up the great work ”  Steveinlondon

“We all have JC to thank for not only dreams of retiring in LOS (Land of Smiles). He has done it by providing us with lots of cold facts and practical information in addition. That way we are able to find out if retiring in LOS is possible. So JC deserves a HUGE thank you from all of us.”  Svein G.

So go ahead and sign up for one of the membership payment options by clicking below on the payment option that works best for you. See you on the inside! - JC 

If you want more info on what's inside the member site check out our Home Page


RetireCheap.Asia Community Membership only $15 monthly

Access to all content and access to posts, documents, videos, forum and Live Chat.



RetireCheap.Asia Community One Year Discounted Membership

Access to all content and access to posts, documents, videos, forum and Live Chat.

Pay ONLY $95 for one full year of access to all the valuable information. You save $85!!!  An incredible 47% Discount! Purchase your one year discounted subscription now!



RetireCheap.Asia Community Six Month Discounted Membership

Access to all content and access to posts, documents, videos, forum and Live Chat.

Pay ONLY $75 for six months access to all the valuable information. You get six months for the price of 5 months!!!



NOTE** This is a recurring payment agreement. If at any time you want to change or cancel your agreement with RCAsia, log in to your PayPal account, go to your PayPal Profile, and click My money. Update your agreement in the “My preapproved payments” section.

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